Rabu, 26 September 2012

Tears from heaven

Setetes embun datang untuk membasahi wajahku. Ah, biarlah. Tetesan embun ini kubiarkan mengalir di pipiku bersama air mata yang tak kunjung berhenti. 

"Jangan tinggalkan aku"
Kutatap matanya sekali lagi. Ia memberikan sorotan kehangatan.
 Ia lalu menggeleng dan memelukku, "Saranghae"

Aku lalu terdiam. Teringat lagu The Man Who Can't Be Moved- The Script yang baru kuputar semalam.

"Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we meet"

Ia mecium keningku sambil memegang kedua tanganku. Apa ia akan kembali?


Kedua matanya tertuju padaku. 

" Kamu tunggu aku saja, I'll be back"

Kulit putih yang baru menyentuhku itu terlepas begitu saja. Kukejar ia sebisa mungkin. Kuraih ia seperti aku berharap agar bisa meraih bintang yang jauh di atas sana.

Percuma. Dia sudah pergi.

Aku hanya bisa menangis tersedu-sedu seperti anak kecil yang kehilangan mainan kesayangannya. Tetapi aku memang kehilangan seseorang yang berharga.

Ia berjalan tanpa melihatku. Hatiku miris melihatnya.

Namun, ia berputar ke arahku sambil menitikkan air mata. Ia tersenyum seperti malaikat yang baru turun dari surga.

Ia melambaikan tangan sambil berlalu pergi.

Apakah ia akan kembali?

F(X) Profile

Birth Name : Song Qian 
Stage Name: Victoria 
Born: February 2,1987 Qingdao, Shandong, China
Position: Leader, Main dancer, Vocalist
Facts: -She's NOT a Korean, she's chinese
-Has a lithe body
-Paired with Nickhun 2PM on We Got Married (Khuntoria Couple)

Birth Name: Amber Josephine Liu
Stage Name: Amber 
Other names: Amber, Josephine, Dino, Llama, Eunyoung
Born: September 18,1992 Los Angeles County, California, United States
Position: Main rapper, Vocalist
Facts: -She's a Taiwanese + American
- Best known of her rapping skills and her boyish image
-Close with Key(SHINee's rapper)
-Likes to imitate other member

Real Name: Park Sun Young
Stage Name: Luna
Born: August 12, 1993 Seoul, South Korea
Position: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Facts: -Has a very sweet and soft voice among the other member
- She's the second ' eomma' after Victoria(Leader)
- She used to be taller than Sulli before debut
- She has twin sister and older brother

Real Name: Choi Jin Ri 
Stage Name: Sulli
Born:  March 29, 1994 Yangsan, South Gyeongsang ,South Korea
Position:  Vocalist, Visual
Facts: -She has two older brothers
-Because of her cute and innocent face many people think she is the maknae(youngest) in the group
-Made her career debut as a model and an actress at very young age
-She is the tallest member
- She was an MC of SBS's program Inkigayo from 2010-02-07 until now
- Played in To The Beautiful You(The korean version of Hana Kimi) (2012) drama as Goo Jae Hee

Birth Name: Jung Soo Jung 
Stage Name: Krystal
Birth: October 24, 1994 ,San Francisco, California, USA
Other names: Makne, Krys
Facts: -She is Jessica(SNSD)'s sister
- Same like Sulli, she made her career debut as model at very young age
- She is very mature for her age
-She is an American born( Same like her sister)
- Appeared in High Kick! Season 3, a korean television series as Ahn Soojoung in the third season of the popular daily series.

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012


Yak, di setiap girl/boyband pastilah ada namanya 'pairing'

'Pairing' jika di artikan secara Bahasa Indonesia adalah 'Pasangan' *berasa kamus*

Nah, walaupun terkadang metode 'pairing' ini sangatlah menggemaskan*halah* tetapi di satu sisi bikin sakit hati.

Contohnya ya, semenjak liat semua music videonya f(x) ceritanya langsung jatuh cinta nih sama Krystal Jung(emang iya sih sebenernya)

Soalnya si Krystal itu cakep,keren,kece GYAAAAAA *fangirling*

Okay, back to topic.

Nah,semenjak SMTown World Tour III banyak banget orang nge'pairing' Krystal sama Kai (EXO-K)

Secara ya bias gue itu Kai (Yah walaupun sebenernya Krystal juga temasuk dalam bias list gue) dan gue langsung sakit hati, tidak bisa menerima....Walaupun seunyu apapun mereka....

Kenapa mereka di'pairing' kan oleh orang-orang?

KATANYA Krystal saat di SMTown World Tour III terlihat memegang tangan Kai*sesek napas*

*brb nangis di pojokkan*

Padahal KATANYA juga sebelum SMTown World Tour III Krystal tidak pernah memegang tangan orang lain (kecuali perempuan) saat pengormatan ( yang biasanya para artis bungkuk rame-rame di akhir acara)

Hem,percaya ga percaya sih....walaupun sakit hati, jika Kai bahagia ya sudahlah....

Sebenarnya bukan cuman KaiStal( Kai-Krystal) saja, masih banyak artis lain yang di'pairing'kan orang-orang tetapi mereka adalah salah satu yang membuat sakit hati T,T


Senin, 11 Juni 2012

The Benefit of Social Media^^

Ya,semua orang mempunyai hak untuk nge 'stalk' orang. Baik musuh atau orang yang disukai.

Salah satu dari orang yang suka nge 'stalk' adalah gua. Ya, emang untung banget kalau si 'crush' punya salah satu social media sebut saja facebook. Dia pasti nge update status ataupun video/foto kan? 

Tapi,gua bukan salah satu orang yang beruntung juga sih. Semenjak twitternya(si MB) gapernah di mainin (oke tweet terakhir dia itu sekitar satu tahun yang lalu-_-) dan facebook dia paling kalau lagi ga liburan pasti seminggu sekali dia ngeupdate status itu sengsara banget(curcol abis

Bayangin aja, di twitter ga di follow back dan di facebook, dia ga nge confirm-confirm gua sampe sekarang-_-

Dan, yang bikin iri, sahabat gua sendiri itu malah di confirm sama dia! Nyesek banget sih tapi mau gimana lagi. Mungkin aja kenal gua*miris*

Dan, walaupun punya nomor hp dia itu paling cuman jadi pajangan di hp(ini lebih sengsara).

Oke,balik ke judulnya, "The Benefit of Social Media". Yah,walaupun menguntungkan kalau pun tidak di followback/di confirm juga sama saja seperti menunggu surat cinta darinya sampe tua~ *halah*

Yak,sekian ulasan dari saya. Jadi,buat para stalker tetaplah berusaha agar dia mau mem followback atau mengconfirm kalian(-_-) tetap semangat! :D -_-

Pertemuan Singkat

Aku mencoba melupakan laki-laki yang bernama Rio itu. Sudah tak mungkin aku akan bertemu dengannya. Ini sudah bulan ke tiga setelah terakhir aku bertemu dengannya. Kini aku tak mau membuang waktu untuk menunggu seseorang yang takkan pernah datang.

Aku menyibukkan diriku dengan berbagai macam aktifitas. Tapi aktifitas yang bisa benar-benar membuatku relax adalah menari ballet, dance, dan mengajak Chi,anjingku jalan-jalan.Dan sekarang aku sedang mencoba kegiatan lain, yaitu membaca.

Hari ini aku pergi ke sanggar menari dekat rumahku hanya untuk menghilangkan penat. Kulihat beberapa anak kecil mondar mandir sambil membenarkan tutu mereka. Aku selalu senang  di sanggar ini karena selalu di sambut ramah oleh guru-gurunya.

Ada salah satu anak perempuan bernama Belle. Dia kira-kira berumur lima tahun dan manis sekali. Gerakannya saat menari sangat lentur dan indah. Aku sangat menyukainya karena dia ramah dan baik.

Tetapi,apa yang kulihat sekarang benar-benar mengejutkan.

Belle datang bersama seorang laki-laki muda. Mereka bergandengan tangan sambil tertawa terbahak-bahak. Dan satu hal yang membuatku hampir jatuh pingsan saking kagetnya adalah sapaan dari guru Belle, "Hai, Belle, halo pak Rio,lagi tidak sibuk ya sampai mengantar anaknya?"

Anak?Anaknya?Dia sudah berkeluarga?

Segera kubuang mukaku saat Rio menatapku. Tapi naasnya, Belle malah meneriakkan namaku, "Kak Amanda!". Terpaksa aku tersenyum padanya dan menghindari tatapan mata Rio.

Sial,bisikku dalam hati. Bagaimana bisa aku menyukai laki-laki yang sudah berkeluarga?

Belle mengajakku berkenalan dengan,er,ayahnya. "Papa,ini Kak Amanda yang suka kuceritakan!", kata Belle riang. 

What?! Apa katanya tadi? Ia menceritakan aku? Duh

Rio tersenyum dan menyuruh Belle masuk ke dalam kelas. Aku dan dia berhadapan dan aku memberikan senyuman tipis dan beranjak pergi. Tak kusangka tanggannya mencengkran pergelangan tanganku.

Aku hampir menamparnya saat kulihat ia menatapku dengan tatapan nanar dan berkata, "Aku perlu bicara padamu". Aku lalu mengangguk dan mengikuti dia keluar dari sanggar.

Saat di luar sanggar dia membuat suara sekecil mungkin, "Dia bukan anakku, Belle adalah adik tiriku, ayahku menikah lagi dengan perempuan muda sekitar enam tahun yang lalu, lebih tepatnya menikah siri". Aku pura-pura menunjukkan ekspresi kaget padahal aku tak mau tahu. Lagipula kenapa sih dia mengatakan sebuah 'aib' keluarganya??

"Dengar,aku harus jujur padamu,Amanda",katanya dengan suara lirih. Aku menatapnya dan berusaha untuk tidak terlena dengannya. "Aku menyukaimu di awal perjumpaan kita, kau ingat saat aku menaiki bus yang sama denganmu?Aku sudah menyukaimu dari situ, Aku selalu mencari informasi tentangmu dari orang-orang sekitar".

Aku terbelalak kaget, tak percaya. Ia mengatur napasnya dan mulai membuka suara, "Tapi, aku bingung, apakah kau adalah orang yang benar-benar kucintai? Karena kita hanya melakukan sebuah pertemuan singkat,kan?Karena itu aku mencoba melupakanmu selama tiga bulan terakhir".

"Tapi,Belle selalu menceritakan tentangmu dan itu membuatku semakin ingin menemuimu,Amanda,kutahu kau akan menganggap ini gila,tak masuk akal, tapi aku menyukaimu".

"Apa kau jujur?",tanyaku tak percaya. Ia mengangguk sambil melihat kebawah.

"Aku tahu kau akan berfikiran kalau aku-". "Aku juga menyukaimu,Rio".

Sekarang, gantian Rio yang menatapku tak percaya. Aku memberikan senyuman yang menyakinkan sehingga ia memelukku sangat erat. Sampai-sampai aku bisa mencium aroma tubuhnya.

Aku membalas pelukannya dengan pelukan lain,yang lebih hangat. Oh Tuhan, terimakasih. Karena sebuah  pertemuan singkat itu menyatukan kita begitu erat.


Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

Beautiful South Korean Girls

Sebenarnya,banyak sekali perempuan Korea Selatan yang memiliki paras cantik atau imut. Jadi, foto-foto perempuan Korea Selatan di bawah ini hanyalah perwakilan dari perempuan-perempuan cantik dari Korea Selatan

Krystal Jung ( Korean name : Jung Soo-jung) from f(x)

Sandara Park or Park Dara from 2NE1

IU (Korean name : Lee Ji-eun) singer

Im Yoona (also known Im Yun-A) from SNSD(Girls Generation)

SooYoung (Korean name: Choi Sooyoung) from SNSD(Girls Generation)

Nam Gyu Ri - singer(from SeeYa) and actress

Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

The Amazing Authors and Casts

From The Chronicles of Narnia series:

C.S Lewis or Clive Staples Lewis (29 November 1898 – 22 November 1963). He is known for both his fictional work, especially The Screwtape LettersThe Chronicles of Narnia and The Space Trilogy and his nonfiction, such as Mere ChristianityMiracles and The Problem of Pain.(

"You don't have a soul. You are soul. You have a body"-C.S Lewis

"We read to know that we are not alone"-C.S Lewis

"I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia"-C.S Lewis,The Silver Chair

William Peter Moseley (April 27,1987) is an English actor, currently best known for appearing as Peter Pevensie in the film series The Chronicles of Narnia. He has two younger siblings, Daisy and Benjamin.(

"I'm enjoying it and that's the best way to look at these things. If you don't enjoy it then it's not worth doing. It is hard work at the end of the day, they're working you for every mile you fly so it's worth enjoying, it's worth relishing every moment you get."-William Moseley(on acting)

Anna Katherine Popplewell( December 16, 1988) is an English film, television and theater actress. She is best known for her role as Susan Pevensie in the film series The Chronicles of Narnia. She has two younger siblings, Lulu and Freddie Popplewell who played as Michael Darling in the film Peter Pan.(

" I can relate to Susan. She thinks in terms of practicality. There are certain areas where we're very similar and certain areas where we're not. I feel very defensive of her. If anyone accuses Susan of being an outright cynic, I'll say, 'No, she's not. There's a perfectly logical explanation for it all. Don't talk about her like that!"-Anna Popplewell (on her character, Susan Pevensie)

Alexander Amin Casper Keynes or Skandar Keynes( September 5,1991) is a British actor. He is best known for starring as Edmund Pevensie in The Chronicles of Narnia film series since 2005. He is the son of Zelfa Hourani and Randal Keynes (conservationist, author and great-great-grandson of Charles Darwin). He has an older sister named Soumaya Keynes.(

"I prefer my character over all the others. I really think I have the best character. Of course, he`s a lot like me. He is the tyrant of the family, which I am, and, yep, he succumbs to temptation very easily. Edmund is the black sheep of the family, always teasing Lucy. But, in the end, Narnia makes him good. He goes through the most radical change, starts to appreciate his family. The adventure really changes him into a better person."-Skandar Keynes(on his character, Edmund Pevensie)

Georgina "Georgie" Helen Henley (July 9,1995) is an English teen actress. She is known for  her portrayal of Lucy Pevensie in The Chronicles of Narnia film series. She is the youngest daughter of Helen and Mike Henley. She has two older sisters named Rachael and Laura. Rachael played the older version of Lucy Pevensie in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.(source:wikipedia,org)

"Lucy is quite a lot like me in a way so it was very easy to slip into her character. Lucy`s the youngest of the four Pevensies and nobody takes her opinions seriously as the story begins. When she opens this wardrobe, she`s in a new world and she feels as though her feelings mean something there"-Georgie Henley (On her character, Lucy Pevensie)

From Harry Potter series:

Joanne "Jo" Rowling ( July 31,1965) known as J.K Rowling, is a British novelist, best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series.Although she writes under the pen name "J. K. Rowling", pronounced like rolling, her name when her first Harry Potter book was published was simply "Joanne Rowling". Anticipating that the target audience of young boys might not want to read a book written by a woman, her publishers demanded that she use two initials, rather than her full name.(

"The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should be treated with caution"-J.K Rowling

"It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default"-J.K Rowling 


Daniel Jacob Radcliffe (July 23,1989) is an English actor. He is best known for starring as main character in Harry Potter film series. He is the only son of Alan George Radcliffe, a literary agent, and Marcia Jeannine Gresham (née Marcia Gresham Jacobson), a casting agent who was involved in several films for the BBC, including The Inspector Lynley Mysteries and Walk Away And I Stumble.(

"People will always remember Harry, but I think if I work hard enough other characters will stick in their minds as well."- Daniel Radcliffe 

"I was in the bath at the time, and my dad came running in and said, `Guess who they want to play Harry Potter!?` and I started to cry. It was probably the best moment of my life"-Daniel Radcliffe

Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson ( April 15, 1990) is an English actress and model. She is best known  for starring as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter film series. She has one younger brother named Alex. She made her modelling debut for Burberry's Autumn/Winter campaign in 2009 with her brother. She used to live in Paris with her family until the age of five. Following her parents' divorce, she moved with her mother and younger brother to Oxfordshire.(

"I loved doing it because I can relate to what she goes through. I so know that frustration where guys can be so insensitive....Hermione is so insecure about herself and she's never really had any attention from a guy before that when she sees Viktor looking at her it's like, 'Is that guy really looking at me?' ... She does not know what's happening to her and she gets caught up in this whirlwind"-Emma Watson(on her character, Hermione Granger)


Rupert Alexander Grint (August 24,1988) is an English actor who rose  to prominence playing Ron Weasley, one of the three main characters in the Harry Potter film series. He is the eldest of five siblings. He has the sama hair color as the character he played(Ron Weasley).(source

"Ron was always my favorite character, because I feel like I relate to him, like we've both got red hair, we both like sweets, we've both got lots of brothers and sisters, and we're both scared of spiders"-Rupert Grint(On his character,Ron Weasley)

"I still get called ginger a lot, but I don’t mind that as I’m used to it. And I’m in great company — look at Nicole Kidman!"-Rupert Grint

Bonnie Francesca Wright (February 17, 1991) is an English actress, fashion model, screenwriter, and director. She is best known for playing Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter film series. She is the second child of Sheila Teague and Gary Wright. She has an older brother named Lewis. She plans to continue acting to work behind-the-scenes after filming Harry Potter.(

"Well, it`s magic! It`s different from stories set in normal life". -Bonnie Wright(On why she likes the Harry Potter books)

"It`s been fun to work with all the people, and experience what not everyone gets to do at such a young age."-Bonnie Wright 

From The Hunger Games trilogy:

Suzanne Collins ( August 10,1962) is an American television writer and novelist, best known for writing The Hunger Games series. She spent her childhood in the eastern U.S. She attended high school at the Alabama School of Fine Arts, where she was a Theater Arts major. She has two children and two cats. She and her family live in Newtown, Connecticut.(

"What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again"-Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

"My nightmares are usually about losing you. I'm okay once I realize you're here."-Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire

Joshua "Josh" Ryan Hutcherson (October 12,1992) is an American film and television actor. He began working in the early 2000s, appearing in several minor film and television roles. He has a younger brother named Connor. He has two dogs named Diesel and Nixon. He has wanted to be an actor since he was four years old. His first film was American Splendor. He is best known for playing Peeta Mellark in The Hunger Games trilogy.(

"This is it for me. I want to try directing too, whenever that comes. I have a book that I'm interested in, and I possibly want to try to adapt the screenplay myself. I figure I can adapt a book and then have somebody come in and completely fix it for me. But, you know, I want to try some directing someday, and I am definitely going to stick with acting"-Josh Hutcherson (on acting)

Jennifer Sharder Lawrence (August 15, 1990) is an American film and television actress. At age 20, she was the second youngest actress ever be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress.She is best known for starring as Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games trilogy.She is also known for playing Mystique in X-men : First Class. She has two older brothers.(

" I don't know what it is with me and maternal wilderness girls, I just love 'em. Even before "Winter's Bone," the first movie I ever did, "Poker House," I was caring for my younger siblings in a tough, dark situation."-Jennifer Lawrence (on referring to the characters she's played in "Winter's Bone" and "The Hunger Games")

Liam Hemsworth (January 13,1990) is an Australian actor. He is the youngest son of Leonie and Craig Hemsworth. His brothers, Luke and Chris Hemsworth are also actors and provided a path of Hemsworth to emulate. He is best known  for playing Gale Hawthorne in The Hunger Games trilogy. While filming The Last Song in June 2009, Hemsworth began dating his co-star, Miley Cyrus. And in June 2012, the couple announced their engagement.(source:

"I feel like the books were just written like a movie. You read it and you can just kind of see everything. Before I went in to read with the director, I read the first book and I loved it. I didn't realize how good the writing was. And then I went in and read with Gary Ross, and that was it"-Liam Hemsworth (about The Hunger Games )

Willow Shields (June 1,2000) is an American film and televesion actress. She has a twin sister named Auntumn Shields and one older brother named River Shields. River and Auntumn are also actor and actress. Willow is best known for her recent role in The Hunger Games as Primrose Everdeen, Katniss' younger sister( who played by Jennifer Lawrence).(source: